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    B.E. Clark

    Great article that definitely eliminates any false pretenses that may be misunderstood as to cybercrime, its origins and repercussions to society.

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    DJ Norris

    Interesting article, and great overview of cyber crime. State-sponsored attacks are a problem, but the bigger problem are script kiddies that think they can buy someone else’s code and get away with whatever they want. Unfortunately, the people that suffer are the ones with a web presence who don’t have the means (whether financial or skill) to harden their site enough to prevent script kiddies from bringing the site down.

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    C.N. Ling

    The fact that successful cybercrime is so often perpetrated by who would appear to be relative novices (“script kiddies”) is a telltale sign that 1) education and awareness are paramount in organizational culture and 2) preventative emphasis on security controls is worth the training and investment regardless of the immediately visible effects.

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    K. Imran

    Fantastic article. Really raises awareness on the misconceptions of where cybercrimes originate. Being a victim of a cybercrime can be detrimental, as stated in the article. These crimes are not isolated only to the IoT, but have harmful repercussions in people’s lives outside of the internet. I find it interesting that most attackers are not computer-savvy individuals, but the tools they utilize are complex in avoiding detection. Therefore, making the incident hard to identify and mitigate. It’s imperative that organizations stress the importance of awareness and training to provide their teams with best practices as to how to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, so that incidents such as, phishing attacks do not occur, thus leaving the individual as a potential victim of identity theft. Great read.

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    Great article giving a broad overview of why cybercriminals do what they do. It’s difficult to categorize an attacker’s motives or intent for crimes that are “moving targets”. This article does a fine job at analyzing where the attacks are coming from to open more dialogue about how to defend cybercrime in a new era of defense where we must consider that we won’t ever know where the attack is coming.

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    R. Heflin

    I agree that cybercrime doesn’t need a sophisticated attack method, or be commited by someone exceptionally skilled. Phishing is still effective. Sending an email posing as someone’s bank with a link to a malicious site still works. Methods that worked years ago still work because people ignore advice on how to protect themselves or don’t update software. If an attacker is only successful 1% of the time, and nets $100 per success, 1,000,000 phishing emails can net $10,000,000. Not a bad haul.

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    Will Shaw

    Interesting article. I don’t think many people realize all of these facts or at least they forget them. Looks like a pretty interesting book.

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    Thanks for providing some real world eye-opening info on cybercrime that isn’t necessarily common knowledge. Impressive CV, will seriously consider adding the book to my kindle collection.

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    Gregoire Z

    I do agree that cybercrime does not originate in third world countries. The true is that in third world countries, most people do not have access to technology nor the internet as compare in developed countries where the use of computers and the internet is an essential part of people’s daily life. Hackers hack in a system either for a political reason, monetary gain or for a revenge and developed countries are always the target. I definitely buy this book to expand my understanding on cybercrime.


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