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Submitting an article
Automotive Buy Sell Report is looking for professionals in the automobile dealership buy sell industry to contribute relevant, timely articles and information.
Unlike other publications, this is free of charge, but we do ask that you forward your linked articles to your contacts, and/or post them to your website, LinkedIn, and/or Facebook pages.
Contributors consistently get their names on the front page of the Google search after their appearance on Automotive Buy Sell Report.
Submitting a video
We also need professionals who would like to provide educational on-demand videos for our growing base of readers.
On-demand video information:
- 10 – 15 minutes in length.
- Targeted subject matter.
- Non-promotional.
- Straight video, video with Power Point, or audio with Power Point.
- Hosted permanently on our YouTube channel and linked there from our website. (You will be allowed to have it on your business site as well, which we will also link.) Searchable in our database and promoted permanently on the website as a rotating banner of all videos in the educational library.
- An at least one-week promotional spot on BOTH the front page of Automotive Buy Sell Report’s website and our emailed weekly Report.
- No monthly advertising fees – $1000.00 one-time charge.
- Contact us today for our expert tips on how quickly you can get a professional video up and running. It’s neither complicated nor expensive.
If you would like to share your knowledge, please contact me personally at
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